JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment)

What is JSNA?

A JSNA stands for a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. 

A JSNA describes a process that identifies current and future health and wellbeing needs in light of existing services and informs future service planning taking into account evidence of effectiveness. 

A JSNA identifies 'the big picture', in terms of the health and wellbeing needs and differences of a local population". 

Producing a JSNA is a mandatory requirement designed to help organisations with service planning and the commissioning process. 

Where can I find more information on Manchester's JSNAs?

Manchester City Council website has more information on our JSNAs:

·         'Our approach to the JSNAs'

·         'Children and Young People JSNA'

·         'Adults and Older People'

·         ‘Where to find out more about JSNA’s’


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