Manchester joint area SEND inspection letter

In November 2021, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission conducted a joint inspection of Manchester to judge how effectively the local area has implemented the special educational needs and disability reforms. The findings from the inspection have now been published on the Ofsted website.  

995 parents and carers responded to the inspection survey. Inspectors spoke to around 70 parents/carers, children and young people and over 100 staff in focus groups and on their visits to schools, colleges and clinics.  Inspectors also looked at 40 education, health and care plans. We are very proud that inspectors have acknowledged the strength of our co-production with families, Manchester Parent Carer Forum, Parent Champions and the young people’s Changemaker group.  

We want to thank all the parents/carers, children, young people and staff who took part in the inspection and who have contributed to our SEND journey. 

Councillor Garry Bridges, Executive Member for Children and Schools, Manchester City Council, said: "We welcome the findings of inspectors following what was a very comprehensive and rigorous inspection of SEND provision in Manchester. 

"One of the key things they remarked on was the strength of relationships in the city, both between professionals, and between professionals and the families they support. This is a credit to everyone involved and I want to thank all staff whether they work in the council, health, schools, or elsewhere, and pay tribute to them and also to parents and young people themselves for working together so effectively in ways that really do make a difference. 

"We're very pleased that the many strengths of the services provided across the city to help and support our families have been recognised by inspectors. 

"We're far from complacent however and remain committed to continue working closely with parents, carers and children and young people both to build on these strengths, and to make any further improvements in those areas we need to." 

View the joint area SEND inspection letter here



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