Services in SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (247)

  1. Staying safe on the Internet and on-line

    Getting help and support about using the Internet and social media safely can be daunting. There are lots of organisations that offer practical support. Thinkuknow website:The ThinkUknow website offers practical advice and guidance for parents/carers and children and young people. ThinkUknow is the education programme…
  2. When Things Go Wrong

    Downloads How to appeal a SEND decision How to bring a disability discrimination claim Mediation Send Reforms Young offenders Judicial Review Legal aid Complaints CYP SEN in Youth Custody Disagreement Resolution and Mediation EHC Assessment Timelines Equality Act Early Years Equality Act Equality Act Easy…
  3. SEND Inclusion Funding and DAF Funding

    Most children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will have their needs met through universal provision or through services available through the Manchester Early Years Pathway for children aged 0-5 with a special educational need or disability A small number of children will have…
  4. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

    People who receive good sex and  relationship education usually have better sexual knowledge, better sexual health and reduced vulnerability to sexual abuse. We’ve pulled together some really useful websites and resources: Mencap - Loads of easy to follow information, including a FAQ section for young…
  5. Online safety for children with SEND

    How to help your child stay safe online, set up parental controls, report cyberbullying and what sexting and online grooming are. The internet is a great tool for children and young people with SEND to be part of a community. Your child can have a…
  6. Manchester's Register of Disabled Children

    Manchester's Register of Disabled Children The Register is a database of children and young people aged 0-19 years with disabilities or special educational needs. The information you provide can help to assist in the planning, monitoring and development of services for disabled children and their…
  7. Access to computers and help to get online

    Would you like to know about accessing services online including the Local Offer, but do not have access to a computer or the internet or would like help? Click on this link  to find your nearest library, community centre, or computer club. Alternatively if you…
  8. Local Offer Newsletter

    Sign up to the Manchester City Council e-bulletin system to get the newsletter. Here is some guidance on how to do this. Our latest newsletters April 10th 2024: Change Programme Partnership - Our next drop in - SEND Community Offer - Other stuff to do - Forum updates…
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