Articles (180)

  1. Housing Information, Funding Accessibility

    Providing advice on benefits and support to help carers access and maintain suitable and affordable housing. Please see the Carers UK and Manchester City Council websites for further information on Housing Information and funding accessibility.
  2. Housing Support and Technology

    We use technology every day, at home and at work, to make life a little bit easier. Finding information on the internet, online banking, booking doctor’s appointments, working remotely from home, all these things help us to manage our busy and often complex lives. But…
  3. How you are having a say

    Watch our short film about Manchester Local Offer.  Here are some of the ways parents/carers and young people with SEND are having their say in the city. Co-production: In these special editions of the newsletter, we share the co-production work in the city. Here is…
  4. Improving Services

    There are many ways you can get involved to influence and improve health and social care services in your area. Why not use this opportunity to improve services.  Please see the NHS UK and Carers Week websites for further information on Improving Services.
  5. Information on Personal Budget/Direct Payment

    If an assessment by a local council shows that care services should be provided, you or the person you are looking after, have a right to ask for a direct payment instead of having the service arranged by a local council. This cash payment allows…
  6. Information, Advice and Support

    Do you need help or advice or are you just looking for a chance to network with other families? In this section, you will find information about local and national services and organisations as well as links to useful websites offering support to Manchester families…
  7. JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment)

    What is JSNA? A JSNA stands for a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.  A JSNA describes a process that identifies current and future health and wellbeing needs in light of existing services and informs future service planning taking into account evidence of effectiveness.  A JSNA identifies 'the big picture', in terms of the…
  8. Living well with Long Term Conditions

    We want to support residents with long term conditions to live independently, so they can live well for longer. If you've had a recent diagnosis of a long-term condition, or a deterioration in an existing condition, there's lots of things you can do to and support you can access.​ Equipment, Adaptations and Technology-Enabled…