Articles (179)

  1. Connect with Other Carers

    When you’re caring, it is good to talk to people who do what you do. Carer volunteers and support groups can put you in touch with people who understand what you’re going through. Please see the Carers UK website for further information on Connecting With Other…
  2. Support in Your Area

    There are local carers' groups across the UK that provide services for carers and host social events and activities. Find out what groups there are near you, and get in touch to find out what services they offer. Please search for services for information and support in…
  3. Support at Work

    You might find that by opening up about your caring responsibilities, your colleagues or manager might be able to help you to cope. From flexible working to time-off in emergencies, there are a range of ways your employer may be able to help. Please see…
  4. Losing your hearing?

    Hearing loss is more common than you may think. In the UK, around one person in six is deaf or hard of hearing. There are several ways to tell that your hearing is going. The most common cause of hearing loss is ageing. Nearly 42% of those…
  5. Options for dealing with your debts

    Find out what options are available if you can't pay your debts. You'll be asked questions about: How much you owe, your assets (eg property and possessions) and your income. View the support information on the GOV.UK website.
  6. 0-3 years: Helping your child to sleep

    Sleep is very important for babies and toddlers.  Their bodies and brains are growing and developing quickly - plenty of rest gives them the energy they need to learn and grow strong.  Too little sleep can make children irritable and difficult and make it hard…
  7. 0-3 years: Language and play advice

    Children need to play and talk.  They learn and develop by doing things and by exploring the world around them.  Babies and toddlers learn to speak by listening to you so talk to your child as much as you can.  Enjoy playing with your children. …
  8. 0-3 years: Keeping children safe and sound

    Your most important responsibility as a parent is to keep your child safe and free from harm.  Learn how to prevent accidents, trust your instincts and don't take unnecessary risks with your child's life.  Most important of all, watch your child when they are young,…
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