Articles (181)

  1. 0-3 years: Toilet training

    When is it the right time for your child to stop using nappies?  How will you teach them to use a potty or toilet? Many parents worry about toilet training and getting children 'dry'.  Children develop at different rates.  Try to be patient, don't rush…
  2. 11+ years: Bullying and friendship problems

    Friends are very important to children.  they thrive when they have supportive friendships and can be lonely and unhappy when things go wrong. There are many reasons why a child may be picked on or be aggressive or unkind to others.  Your children need you…
  3. 11+ years: Drugs and alcohol parenting advice

    Most parents of teenagers worry about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.  Most young people try alcohol or drugs and learn how to keep themselves safe.  It's been proved that a good relationship with parents is the best protection that young people can have -…
  4. 3-11 years: Getting your child to school

    One of the most important things can do for your child's future is make sure they go to school.  Missing school means missing out on learning and social life.  the more they miss, the harder it is to go back.  Children avoid school for many…
  5. 3-11 years: Helping your child to be happy

    As your child grows up, they become more independent, but they need your love and care as much as ever.  Friends, teachers and other people become important to them.  But parents are still the most important people in a child's life!  They love having your…
  6. 3-11 years: Helping your child to learn

    You are the most important teacher in your child's life - you can really make a difference to their learning.  the value praise from you more than from anyone else - and it gives them the confidence they need to achieve.  Sharing new experiences and…
  7. 3-11 years: Self esteem and confidence building

    Self-esteem and confidence are important.  When children feel good about themselves, they tend to be happier, try harder and do better in school.  They also have more friends, cope with any setbacks and fewer problems as teenagers. Children thrive when they feel successful and important…
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