Services in Children and Families (937)

  1. What is the Manchester Local Offer?

    This is an introduction to who we are and how we can support you, especially if you are: a parent/carer a young person up to 25 with SEND working with families and young people Watch our short film about Manchester Local Offer.   
  2. Skills for Life

    Skills for Life is a universal approach which aims to raise the profile of skills so that for children and young people know when and where they are developing these vital skills for life. The five key skills are :  Communication Problem Solving Self-belief (including…
  3. Local Offer Newsletter

    Sign up to the Manchester City Council e-bulletin system to get the newsletter. Here is some guidance on how to do this. Our latest newsletters April 10th 2024: Change Programme Partnership - Our next drop in - SEND Community Offer - Other stuff to do - Forum updates…
  4. Resourced Provision Schools

    What is a Resourced Provision? Most children in Manchester with special educational needs and/or disabilities, including those with Education, Health and Care Plans, will be supported in a mainstream school. A number of mainstream schools provide additional specialist facilities on their site called a Resourced…
  5. Where to get help with Childcare

    If you have any issues relating to Childcare, be it finding a suitable provider, applying for a place or paying for it.  Please contact your local Children's Centre for advice. Search for your local Children's Centre.
  6. Education, Health and Care Plans

    What is an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan?An EHC plan describes your child’s special educational needs (SEN) and the help they will get to meet them. An EHC plan also includes any health and care provision that is needed. It is a legal document…
  7. SEND Inclusion Funding and DAF Funding

    Most children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will have their needs met through universal provision or through services available through the Manchester Early Years Pathway for children aged 0-5 with a special educational need or disability A small number of children will have…
  8. Could you do with extra support?

    Please use this link to view our Accessibility Statement If you require any of our current Early Help products (September 2021 onwards) as produced from this time onwards, in a more accessible format, then please do email us: or The Early Help service work closely…
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