Articles (179)

  1. Preparing for Adulthood

    Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) is a programme funded by the Department for Education and is delivered by a partnership between the National Development Team for inclusion (NDTi).
  2. Disagreement Resolution and Mediation Services in Manchester

    Most disagreements can be sorted out by talking with the school, college, local authority, or Clinical Commissioning Group. Sometimes it can be difficult to reach agreement and SENDIASS Manchester. SENDIASS Manchester can help by providing impartial information, advice and support. Where issues can still not be resolved,…
  3. Your Wellbeing Services

    Caring for someone can be rewarding, but when you’re coping day to day and responding to the needs of others, it's easy to forget your own health needs. It's important to think about your health and wellbeing too. Please see the Carers UK website for further information…
  4. SEND Inclusion Funding and DAF Funding

    Most children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will have their needs met through universal provision or through services available through the Manchester Early Years Pathway for children aged 0-5 with a special educational need or disability A small number of children will have…
  5. Childcare and Children's Centres

    Choosing Childcare Find details of local Childcare Providers in Manchester, including registered childminders who offer care in their own home, private day nurseries, adult and toddler groups, playgroups and out of school provision.  View all records in the Childcare and Children's Centres category Continue reading for more…
  6. Looking After Yourself

    Being able to look after yourself can help you to stay independent, but by doing things like keeping your feet in good condition, you can also reduce the risk of falls. As you get older, or if you have a health condition that affects your mobility, everyday things like getting dressed in the morning might…
  7. Staying Physically and Mentally Healthy​

    It's important to look after your physical and mental health to help you to live well, for longer. It's never too late to work towards getting a healthier lifestyle, and it can have a range of benefits, including:​ Reducing the risk of you becoming ill​ Improving your mood ​ Helping you get a…
  8. Preparing Meals

    Nutritious foods and an active lifestyle can help achieve optimal health throughout life. Poor nutrition, skipping a meal or not eating enough can cause dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness and reduced concentration. All of these can increase the likeness of a fall.​ We understand that it may not always be easy to prepare nutritious meals…
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